Posted on May 18, 2017 by Inka Mathew


Wipe Every Tear is committed to bringing hope and healing in the lives of women trafficked in the sex trade. From safe places to call home, to education and discipleship, we exist to give women the opportunity to have their lives fully restored.

Wipe Every Tear is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to breaking the chains of human trafficking. With their main operation in the Philippines, they are relentlessly in going to hell-holes and seeking out the poor of the poor, and bringing hope to the brokenhearted and those bound by chains in the sex trade.

Q: Wipe Every Tear is now operating in the Philippines. What sparked the birth of the organization over there?

A:  Wipe Every Tear started in a high school teacher's classroom. As a basketball coach and a father to five daughters and a son, Kenny Sacht had his heart broken for the injustices of the sex trade. It started with the commitment to support one girl. Then everything changed when we met Rebecca Angeles, our Filipino director. One girl quickly became four. Then in 2012 Wipe Every Tear secured the Hope House, the first home for our lovely girls. By providing the good news of a safe place to live, a warm meal, education and discipleship, the lives of young women and girls are being restored.

We have grown from one house and four girls to currently caring for over 70 girls with 5 houses in the Philippines. 


Q: What are the ways in which Wipe Every Tear is combatting human trafficking in the Philippines?

A:  Wipe Every Tear combats human trafficking by taking a holistic approach. We started with a way out. Our dedicated staff and volunteers seek out miserable bars masquerading as joy filled places to provide women with real hope for a better future and a helping hand to leave their current circumstances. Through genuine relationships and the building of trust we help facilitate their transition from the sex trade to a new life of freedom. Then we provide a safe place for them to heal and live!

Safe homes are an integral part of Wipe Every Tear's mission. Our homes serve as places of safety, refuse, and healing. And lastly, education. Education is essential to Wipe Every Tear's mission. Having a quality education allows women to create a brighter future for themselves and their loved ones! In many areas, a college degree or vocational training means the ability to find a job that can sustain a family for life. Therefore, we believe education is key to breaking the chains of sex trafficking.

With a holistic approach toward these women’s physical, emotional and spiritual health and healing, we commit to providing everything they need for the hope of a new future.


Q: From your years of experience with Wipe Every Tear, what would you say is the toughest challenge in the process of helping and caring for trafficking survivors?

A:  The toughest challenge of helping and caring for these incredible women is keeping them inspired and encouraged through school. Many of them were exploited from a young age, removing them from school, which means by the time they transition into our care, they could be 21 years old and still have to complete high school and college. So continuing to encourage each girl that the journey is worth it and the gift of education if vital for their future can be a challenge.


Q: Could you share with us a favorite story of victory in the life of Wipe Every Tear?

A:  Every story is a story of victory so it is hard to choose one! A most recently beautiful story is one of the first girls who came into our care in 2009. She came into our care because her mom passed away and her aunt forced her and her sister to work in the bars to get money. After she transitioned into our care, she invited her sister into the care of Wipe Every Tear and they have been together every since. BOTH girls graduated college together last week! Which means TWO college graduates in one family! A true miracle! And not only that, but both girls have accepted jobs to work for us in the Philippines. One girl is our new bookkeeper and the other overseas our partners coffee ministry. How beautiful!!!


Q: What are some of the current needs in your organization/operation? How can the every day person support you all in fighting human trafficking?

A:  Our current needs are more funding and for more prayers. With our commitment to stick with each girl for the long haul that comes into our care, the pressure of funding is always there. However, we serve a God who LOVES us more than we could ever imagine, so we always trust in his ability to provide! And for those prayer warriors, we ask that you could continue to pray for our incredible girls, for courage to rise up in their spirits and for them to run after the dreams God has put in their hearts!


Another way to support them is to purchase our shirts and spread the word about Wipe Every Tear and human trafficking injustice. 10% of our sales until AUGUST 18 will be donated to Wipe Every Tear.  CLICK HERE TO SHOP

For further information on Wipe Every Tear, please visit their:
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