Posted on November 20, 2017 by Inka Mathew

Chain Reaction is an initiative of a non-profit, Global Renewal, as a response to the horrors of human trafficking. They are an organization that exists to train national leaders, transform communities, eradicate human trafficking and provide shelters for victims of modern-day slavery. Their mission is to inform, influence and empower individuals and communities through love and relevance.

To find out more about Chain Reaction, we asked a few questions to Liney Chako, the Co-Founder and Director of Chain Reaction, in a short written interview below:

Q: Chain Reaction now have operations in 2 countries – Cambodia and Indonesia. Could you tell us what sparked the birth of the organization?

A:  In both nations, we came face to face with trafficking and realized that we could no longer assume fighting it was someone else’s job—we had to do our part.

In Indonesia, a brothel opened across from our leadership training center—it was frequented and run by uniformed men. Two ladies from that place ran to our center and asked for help as they explained they were recruited from the village and offered legitimate jobs. To their horror, they were being prostituted instead.

In Cambodia, while teaching trafficking prevention in the villages, a little girl captured our attention. We found out that her mother had been a sex slave and died recently of HIV. Her grandmother kept her chained during the day and allowed anyone to use her at night. She was special needs and thus labeled the village idiot.

She was released to our custody and thus began Chain Reaction…
a movement to combat trafficking through safe houses, prevention programs, and education.

Little Ruthie was the catalyst to launch Selah House—a home for victims of abuse and trafficking to pause, rest, and change direction.

Q: What are the ways in which Chain Reaction is combatting human trafficking in Cambodia and Indonesia?

A:  In CAMBODIA: Selah House (aftercare facility), prevention programs in villages, educational scholarships (to keep children out of trafficking—education adds value), and leadership training that emphasizes prevention/identification of victims for pastors and leaders. 

In INDONESIA: Selah House (aftercare facility), learning center in a brothel village for children of villagers, and leadership training that emphasizes prevention/identification of victims for pastors and leaders


Q: From your years of experience with Chain Reaction, what would you say is the toughest challenge in the process of helping and caring for trafficking survivors?

A:  I believe the difficulty we’ve encountered has never been with the children, but rather with the community/guardians releasing the children to our care. In one instance, 2 young children were living on the street and being abused, but the community refused to release them to us because we didn’t adhere to their religion.


Q: Could you share with us a favorite story of victory in the life of Chain Reaction?  

A:  There are so many! One of my favorites though is of a beautiful 12 year old that we were told was selling herself in the neighborhood! Her mother was a sex worker and this child was disappearing at night. Imagine our bewilderment and concern… would she run away or corrupt the other children? We had never met a willing victim before.

When, however, our team sat down with the child and inquired, we found out she was selling herself to buy paper and erasers for school!

This was the only means of “employment” she had known. Needless to say, we received her into Selah House and she is now healed and one of the best students in her private school! She has the most beautiful smile and is growing up to be a leader and a witness of amazing grace.

Q: What are some of the current needs in your organization/operation? How can the every day person support you all in fighting human trafficking?

A:  Our greatest need is prayer backing. We sometimes feel like Moses in front of Pharaoh…and need the collective strength of many voices shouting with us “Let my people GO!”

We also love volunteers to join us. Our office is in Dallas, but there are opportunities to serve stateside (especially in IT and social media and prayer) as well as on the field. 

Finance are always welcome. Any donation goes a long way in our efforts. Fathom this: $10/month keeps a child from the slums in school and out of trafficking rings. $100 assists us in a rescue, medical care, new clothes, and school registration fees for a former victim.

We believe that each of us has a part to play in combatting trafficking. We have observed ordinary people who entered an atmosphere in which a calling can be deposited give birth to great vision. No seed is wasted in God’s economy. That’s why many of us sense a discomfort, a stirring, a silent roar rising within our souls. We were born to fight injustice. Each one of us must study the signs of trafficking and be alert in our daily lives. We must look for ways to serve, give, and go.

We must, with open hearts and laid-down plans, ask of Him, the Great Liberator, “what would you have me to do?” And with the answer comes the backing of all of heaven, supernatural ability, and provision for the vision from the Father who so loves each captive!

Stay woke, my friend, and let’s end slavery IN OUR GENERATION!


You can also support Chain Reaction by purchasing our shirts and products, and spread the word about human trafficking injustice and this amazing organization. 10% of our sales until FEBRUARY 20 will be donated to Chain Reaction CLICK HERE TO SHOP

For further information on Chain Reaction, please visit their:
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