"If you think about hundreds of thousands of people being trafficked, and 50 homes, there's not enough resources."
- Debbie Martis, Founder of Rebirth Homes
And that's why Rebirth Homes exists.
139Made had the opportunity to do a written interview with Rebirth Homes to find out more about who they are and what they do.
Q: Rebirth Homes was started in 2013. Could you share with us what sparked the birth of this organization?
A: The vision for Rebirth Homes started in 2008 when founder Debbie Martis heard the staggering statistic that 27 Million people are enslaved around the world. After years of prayer, Debbie was moved to action. In 2012, God gave her the vision to provide homes for survivors of human trafficking. After incorporating and registering as a 501c3 in 2013, Rebirth Homes went public in 2014. From 2014 to 2016, Debbie and her team educated the public about human trafficking and raised funds to open the first home for adult women in Riverside County, California in 2017. Rebirth Homes’ foundation is prayer and Founder Debbie Martis believes in God’s vision of redeeming 1 million lives from human trafficking according to His timing.
Q: What are the ways in which Rebirth Homes is combatting human trafficking?
A: Rebirth Homes exists to combat human trafficking through education/awareness and by providing a holistic healing program for survivors of human trafficking. We have two homes in Riverside County and provide a long-term (up to 24 months) residential program for women 18 years and older to heal.
Services included in our residential program include:
• Therapy groups including life skill training
• Equine Therapy
• Case Management
• Legal Assistance with service providers and local attorneys
• Documentation Services
• Job skill training
• Education assistance
• Other services as needed
Our program is FREE for survivors of human trafficking. In addition to these services, the women in our program are provided employment with our social enterprise.
Additionally, Rebirth Homes has educated over 60,000 people on the realities of human trafficking in our communities.
Q: From your experience thus far, what would you say is the toughest challenge for Rebirth Homes in helping survivors?
A: The greatest challenge is overcoming the lies that survivors believe about themselves and their purpose in life. The healing journey is filled with ups and downs and our desire is for each woman to live out her God-given purpose. While we want each survivor to succeed and be fully empowered to live out God’s plan, we recognize it is a life-long journey of healing.
With this challenge, we ask for prayer for the survivors we walk with.
Q: Could you share with us a favorite story of victory that Rebirth Homes has witnessed?
A: There have been so many victories along the way and it is hard to choose one. For me as the Founder, I love seeing women make the decision to get baptized and commit their lives to following Christ. It gives me peace knowing they have made this decision and that we will spend eternity together.
I love seeing women re-united with family and relationships restored. It is a beautiful process.
Q: What are the current needs of Rebirth Homes? How can we, the every day person, support you in fighting human trafficking?
A: Pray for survivors, for protection over them as they find their worth and value on their journey of healing.
Volunteer your time and talents. Opportunities range from event planning, administrative, newsletter editing & content contributors and more.
Join our Guardian Team by giving monthly or on a regular basis to provide for continuous care and freedom. Any amount is welcome - $10, $20, $50 or any amount makes a huge difference for Rebirth Homes.
Give financially or Donate items off of our Amazon wish list:
• Rebirth Homes Donate link, CLICK HERE
• Rebirth Homes Amazon Wish list, CLICK HERE
Support our social enterprise—Rebirth Homes Store. We sell items that are hand-made by the women in our home. All proceeds go back into the program to support the women.
To shop Rebirth Homes Store on Etsy, CLICK HERE
You can also support Rebirth Homes by purchasing 139MADE's shirts and other products, while sharing about the wonderful work this organization is doing to fight human trafficking. 10% of all our sales until MARCH 26, 2021 will be donated to Rebirth Homes. CLICK HERE TO SHOP
For more information on Rebirth Homes, please visit their:
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